The Transcontinental Catastrophe

On the eve of Independence Day 2017, I can’t help but sit here and think about the events that led up to the signing of the Deceleration of Independence on July 4th 1776. From the Stamp Act of 1765 which led to the Declaration of Rights and Grievances, in which representatives from the Colonies stated Parliament and King George III, had no right to impose tax on the Colonies because the Colonies had no representation in Parliament. To the Boston Massacre 5 years later in 1770, to the Boston Tea Party 3 years after that in 1773, all the way to the first shots at Lexington and Concord on April 19th 1775. These courageous Americans who came from a vastly different life styles and ways of life banded together for the common good. Today in 2017 it is my firm belief this type of heroism couldn’t not be recreated again because we can’t get past our differences to agree on rather the sky is blue or the earth is round.

When we heard the phrase Make American Great Again I thought we were going to go back to making things in the USA again, I thought we were going to go back to American Ingenuity, literally reach for the stars again by returning to Space, and put Americans back to work for the common good of America. I thought Patriotism was going to come back and we were going to set aside petty beefs and disagreements. American after all is suppose to be the land of opportunity, the so called melting pot of the world but instead of any of this happening people of the same social economic class continue to fight among ourselves ignoring the real problem that is plaguing us all the richest one percent that is really controlling everything.  Through Social Engineering, racism, classism, sexism, and high Fuckery of the worst kinds we have all allowed ourselves as Malcolm X said “to be led astray, hoodwinked and bamboozled” by the rich and powerful. So instead if returning to space, putting education back to the forefront as a priority, making things in American again and returning to the Ingenuity that truly made us great in the first place we are fighting among ourselves while Donald Trump and the current administration is selling the country off little by little to the highest bitter and cutting essential services in order to fund tax cuts for the filthy rich yet again. Look no further than the latest diabolical decision to cut funding to Amtrak.  Really Amtrak outside of a Grey Hound bus the cheapest form of transportation for the common American to get across Country on and they want to cut this service out??? My God talk about make American Great again maybe the current President and his cabinet of rejects needs a history lesson about Western Expansion, the Homestead Act of 1862 and the formation of the Transcontinental Railroad in 1869. Talk about Making American Great Again expanding America from sea to sea and developing a transportation system to get from the east to the west was one the greatest moves made in the history of the country since the Louisiana Purchase by Founding Father and then President Thomas Jefferson on April 30, 1803. The Homestead Act signed by President Lincoln on May 20, 1862 encouraged Western Migration by offering settlers 160 acres of land if they paid a small filling fee and lived on the land out west for 5 years. The building of the Transcontinental Railroad gave people the means to travel faster and safer from coast to coast much like the miles of track that is used by common people of America via Amtrak today. The history channel called the Transcontinental Railroad a Modern Marvel and has a special on it. The building of the system employed over 5000 people and symbolized American Nationalism on May 10th 1869 when the golden spike was nailed in completing the work between the Central Pacific Railroad and the Union Pacific Railroad and truly uniting the Country from coast to coast. In October 1970 Congress passed the Rail Passenger Service Act and Amtrak was born. On May 1st 1971 Amtrak began managing a Nationwide Passenger Rail Service.

Getting rid of one of the cheapest outside of the bus systems forms of transportation across country simply so the President can afford tax breaks for the rich is the dumbest idea he has came up with yet. This is worse than the people on the internet that actually believed the Flint water crisis was caused because DJ Yorkoo stuck his "thAng" in the water pipes. I find it odd that some of the people that would or do benefit from this service like Black Lives Matter protesters, Feminist Women’s Marchers and Protesters, the LGBT community, and even the Moron Boys of the Klu Kluk Klan protesters aren’t out raged by this. I mean seriously what better way to get from city to city for your rallies and marches than by train. It is also unfortunate for working class, poor, and even middle class Americans that want a relaxing cheap way to see this great Country but may no longer be able to experience it by train. Even Vice President Joe Biden when he was a Senator and when he left the Office of the Vice Presidency of the United States rode Amtrak trains back and forth from Delaware to DC. He and wife left DC for the last time by train as well. In this age of descent and disagreement of virtually everything I think most of us can agree on one thing and that is the trains must continue to run, and continue to service the Americans who either love or rely on this historic form of transportation. There is a petition circulating which this author has signed to urge Congress not to derail this part of Americana  Let us hope that this train has not left the station for the last and final time
                            written by J. Mass

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